Generally there will be the choice of the official chipset vendors’ driver and other open source drivers. Depending on the chipset vendor, some official drivers will be free, while others will require signing TLA and paying license fee. The best way is to contact us for details.
Not all WLAN/BT chipsets are with Android drivers; please contact us with your desired Android and Linux kernel version.
Since each module has several drivers for the same OS, we do provide the most appropriate alternative. To avoid wasting time on trial and error, send us an email.
If you are looking for driver porting service, we can help you. Please let us know which modules you would like to use, OS version, platform information, and expected completion date. Send the above information to us, and our team will contact you. This web site provide for most of your needs on Qualcomm 11AC solution open source driver for ath10K. However, if you still cannot find the solution you need, please contact us.
Enli’s core is software supporting capability. If you are facing driver porting issue, please specify your application, OS, platform info, full debug message and system log. In addition, describe in detail the difficulty you encounter so we can assist you.
Not all the chipset vendors provide Windows driver. Most high end application modules, mainly for Access Point application, only provide Linux driver. However, if you still want Windows driver, please contact us.
During the driver porting process, one of the more common problems is not finding the correct firmware to load on the module. In such case, you can either contact us or check the link below if it be QUALCOMM solutions.
However, if you are unsure on what went wrong during your porting process, please send us the system log and debug message so we can assist you.;
This web site provides for most of your needs on Qualcomm 11ac products firmware for ath10K. However, if you cannot find the solution you need, please contact us.
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